There have
been several books written on Date Nails. The earliest one I have is "And Now It's Nail Time" © 1971 by K.B. Shaw . This book has two printings, one in October 1971 and one in October 1972. It is a paperback and very well written. It contains lots of information and pictures about Rail Roads, RR Nails and some Pole Nails. There is even a price guide for Santa Fe Nails at the end of the book.
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The next book is "Date Nails Brought Up To Date" © 1975 by Joseph W. Lewis. Printed in 1975, only 2000 Hard Back copies were
printed. This book is rich in pictures, and displays nails by Company and/or Railroad names. It is also the first book to explain the Wesis Identification system. |
In 1976 "Date Nails Complete" © 1976 by Glenn Wiswell and John Evans made its debut.
This hard back book has some very interesting history on nails. A very thorough explanation of the WESIS numbers is given. Pole Nails are pictured by Company, and Rail Road Nails are pictured by WESIS Number. "Date Nails Complete" also provides a price for each Nail pictured. By using the combination of
"Date Nails Brought up to Date" and "Date Nails Complete" one should not have any problem identifying a Nail. |
The most recent Date Nail Book is a three volume set by Jeff Oaks. Date Nails and Railroad Tie Preservation" © 1999. This large paperback set is a must have for any serious collector.
Many hours of exhaustive research went into the making of this 3 volume set. |
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